e-Learning : An ICT initiative for E-learning

e-Vimarsh : An ICT initiative for E-learning . The university has come up with an innovative idea of an Online lecture series by eminent speakers. The series has been named- E Vimarsh. The idea for this initiative came after a committee was formed by the University to facilitate e- learning during closure of classes due to outbreak of Corona pandemic.


Online Video lectures: An Online lecture series by eminent speakers of the University. See MGCU’s YouTube channel for video lecture. Youtube Link


PPT Presentation of Faculties: PowerPoint can be a highly effective tool to aid learning. Department wise PPTs submitted by faculties on relevant topics related their subject has been uploaded. View More

ICT initiatives of MHRD & UGC for teaching/learning. View more

ICT Initiatives of MHRD (with e-Brochure) View more

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